The second child conundrum

The past few weeks have been stressful ones. Even as Ms.A now started nursery and day care (first time away from family for the entire day as opposed to half day), I am now fraught with new stress. Everyday there are conversations about a second child, reasons for and against. Compelling me thereby to write ‘The Second Child Conundrum’.
So here are my current theories to keep me sane. As a disclaimer please note the following:
1. If you are a mom of 1 child, and agree with my views, call me and lets form a club ‘Happy-moms-of-single-children’
2. If you are a mom of 2, salutes to your bravery. I hope you are at least in agreement as you felt this before your second child. (PS, if it was an accident, you can still call me!!)
3. If you are a mom of >2, I worship you. In today’s day and age you must be infinitely patient, everytime I see your pictures on facebook, the adoration increases. You are probably not reading this article though.
4. If you are a stay-at-home mom of 1, 2 or >2 children, you are closely in contest with the moms of >2 kids.
Now for the reasons 🙂
1. One is a terrific number.
2. Imagine sleepless nights, crying baby, screaming toddler, office work, lack of social life.
3. Looking presentable will be a distant (once a quarter) expectation
4. You cannot quit your job (just for some sleep!) because you have to fund two kids education. Or send them to a village.
5. Your best vacation will be a staycation by yourself
6. It is possible that the maid/nanny quits during your peak workload and you lose your job.
7. All houseware articles may be destroyed during the sibling’s fights.
8. Sickness will spread by turns, so added by ‘x’ times for each disease, multiplied by 2 each time one of the children contracts something new.
9. Second baby weight gain cannot be lost.
10. The worlds of Hollywood and Bollywood will be alien to you for 10 years.
I rest my case.